Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tell me what you dress and I'll tell you what you are.

Have you ever wonder why do we dress? Maybe the first thought that probably will come to your mind is "To protect us againts the weather" that's was the principal reason why caveman dressed. But today things are so much diferent, today the clothes have became a way for people to show what they are, or what they are pretending to be....

Along as time has passed, clothes has been a simbol of power and money,  and our time is not diferent, people judge each other based of what they are wearing and that causes a lot of stereotypes, The biggest object of discrimination came when you meet someone, that's when clothes gives the first impression, A first impression that is bases on their dress; how much it is coast, how many people have it, how exclusive is, is fashion or not?, and some much more things that makes people think that a person is what the person dress.

"Tell me what you dress and ill tell you who you are"

We can't avoid stereotypes, they're part of our lifes and they are not going to desapear, but we can try to not to worry too much about what other people does, or dressed, let's try to know people before judge them, because you never know when a person who looks like and old-fashoned people can be much more interesting of what you think... just look at the hipsters.


  1. I agree with you when you say that stereotypes are influenced by the way a person dresses, but I don't think that stereotypes should influence our decision to get to know somebody. For example, I don't care what people think of me when they look my clothing. I use it because it is comfortable, not because I want to have a specific impact in people. People should apreciate each other for what they are, not for what they wear. What we wear says nothing about who we are inside. I don't care if someone looks hipster or not, I just care who he is when I get to know him/her.

  2. I believe everything comes first by sight and our society feeds on stereotypes. I think the person who says "I don't look at physical aspects" is a huge liar, because even to be treated better in any field as employment, college, university, social relationships "we have to look good" physically" according to the stereotypes of society.
